by Art Lieberman | Jun 21, 2016 | blog
The Story of Coffee Everything has a story to it. Some little, some big. The story of coffee is not just a tale, but it’s “epic” in every sense of the word. One of my summer reads is Coffee: The Epic of a Commodity by H. E. Jacobs. This book was...
by Art Lieberman | Dec 17, 2015 | blog
Coffee roaster, Brent Patton has outdone himself this year! Java Jacks’ regulars are raving about how good the Camino Real Holiday Blend coffee is this year. Now, I know that “Holiday Blend” might not sound fancy-schmancy, but this is an exquisite mix of African and...
by Art Lieberman | Jul 22, 2015 | barista, blog
Jim Rohn said, “If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary. Adventure implies risk, not knowing what might happen. It says offroad. “Instead of trying to make your life perfect, give yourself the freedom to make it an...
by Art Lieberman | Jun 16, 2015 | barista, blog
Calm is the mood, the atmosphere, the vibe. Java Jacks, is a coffee shop that thrives on calm. And that is something, considering 95% of what they offer is caffeinated. Talk to Jenny, Justin, or Sarah, and the overriding mood you get is calm. Even when they are...
by Art Lieberman | Apr 30, 2015 | blog
The words Camino Real might mean different things to people. But if Brent Patton has his way, you will also know Camino Real as the Royal Road to the best coffee you can enjoy. Certainly the best roast in East Texas (and Nacogdoches locals are not the only ones saying...
by Brent Patton | Mar 13, 2013 | blog
Recently a few customers have asked “what’s pulped natural coffee” so I figured I’d share some of the details with ya. One of our favorites Coffees in our lineup is our El Salvador El San Emilio which is currently being served as our Single...